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Jan – Injured Gibbon Airlifted to Phuket

Sadly, news reached The Flying Scouts that Jan, a female gibbon previously released in Ban Jam Pee, had been attacked by a rival gibbon family, and after falling out of a tree, sustained additional serious injuries from marauding wild dogs. The injuries to her left leg were so severe, that her leg had to be amputated, and the vets at WARF…

Visiting Nok Airfield – VTCY

Visiting Nok Airfield - VTCY. Disclaimer: The following information is provided for information purposes only and does not represent in…

Flight Briefing

Disclaimer:- The following advice contained within this Flight Briefing content is given as opinion only and is accurate to the best of our…

The Joy of Flying…

The joy of flying.... It's hard to describe the feeling of wonder when a person is passed on the gift of flight in its myriad forms. Since I…

Immersive 360 Degree Video of HS-TOM

HS-TOM in 4K 360 Degree Panoramic Nok Airfield - VTCY. November 25, 2020. Flying Ed took some very cool 360 Degree footage of a local VFR…

Maliee – HS-TOM

Maliee - HS-TOM HS-TOM, a Piper PA46-350P Jetprop DLX, affectionately known as “Maliee” is also used in the Gibbon Guardian project to…

Our Aircraft

We are fortunate to have several aircraft at our disposal, the use of which are donated for free. Behind the scenes a lot of maintenance…

Miss Dippy – HS-EAL

At the heart of the Dugong Shepherds is HS-EAL, also affectionately known as “Miss Dippy”.

Stranded in Johor…

Stranded in WMKJ – Johor, Malaysia. 2020 “Bangkok Control clears Hotel Serra Tango Oscar Mike, present position direct to…

Landing in Venice Italy, 2019

LIPV - Lido Airport, Venice Italy. August 2019 As part of my (Flying Ed) 2019 European trip in Maliee   I was fortunate to land at the…